What is the Higher Expression of a Square?

A friend asked me this question in regard to synastry (the relationship dynamics between two souls we can observe as we superpose their charts). At the time I publish this answer, it's August 2024 and we're collectively dealing with Saturn-in-Pisces squaring Jupiter-in-Gemini. Please share your squares and your feelings, reflections, questions in the comments! I'd love to grow this conversation.
The higher expression of a square is A PORTAL. An adventure of evolution. These are different words for : karmic challenge, the crosses we came to bear. Valid language too, when we look at our chart through the lens of squares.
An aspect is a geometrical relationship between 2 planets, 2 energies. In our birth charts, when planets aspect each other, they are having a relationship. This relationship can be a harmonious courtship, or a wild fire, like the square. With the square, we experience two very different versions of ourselves simultaneously. Pressure, frustration... --gotta do somethin'!
From the perspective of reincarnation and karma, the square says: you have come to do this inner relationship better. You are called to evolve and grow through friction.
The Square as a Portal of Birth
In the zodiac, the first squares represent portals of birth into different realms of experience and consciousness:
- Aries: Birth into Mind.
- Cancer: Birth into the Human Kingdom.
- Libra: Birth into You and I—balancing opposites.
- Capricorn: Birth into the Kingdom of Souls.
Birth is generally not a pleasant affair. We go through a tunnel. It's a hard initiation. But it brings the gift of consciousness, and just like these cardinal signs, marks the start of a fresh evolutionary journey, initiated through the tension of the square.
Personal Planets and Inner Conflict
If the square occurs between personal planets, it’s a me-issue, it’s about my growth for my personal happiness. We will feel inner conflict which will restrict us from being at peace with ourselves. Squares pushes our evolution through this inner conflict. The ‘solution’ is however not right in front of us, like with an opposition. Facing the other straight on, we open our hearts to the alter-ego presented by the other sign. We can say ‘and-and,’ and that’s it. In a square, we deal with different agendas, different evolutionary journeys, different intentions.
Navigating the Squares
How can I nourish these two conflicting parts of myself so that both feel heard and seen?
This is parts-work in psychotherapy. I propose that the key lies in first treating the conflicting energies first as an opposition, to then (however long it takes) marry them internally as a conjunction.
- Treating the square like an opposition first: Address the conflict as if it were an open enemy. Recognise and describe both realities. Then befriend the enemy through duality consciousness. Validate both realities. What do they require?
- Integrating the conflicting parts: To merge these aspects, ask yourself : how can I give love to both of these energies, please them both? What can I say to energy A while I am busy with energy B?
A collective and a personal example:
(1) At the time I am publishing this (August 2024), we are dealing with the square of Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini. Saturn in Pisces asks for meditation time and rest to close a 29-year long karmic chapter and diffuse the pearls of wisdom harvested from that period. The way that this can be diffused is also by anchoring a dream in the flesh, by building the palace. Jupiter in Gemini however wants to be busy, go on travels with friends, have all the conversations, explore the neighborhood, go to an event, create an event, move around, do activities. It’s ‘On The Road,’ by Kerouac. When we recognize the incompatibility of those two energies, we can resolve the inner friction by recognizing we will need time this month to ‘be on the road,’ and time for meditation and rest. We can look at our schedule and create that balance.
(2) In my chart, Mars-in-Sag squares Venus-in-Pisces. Mars in Sagittarius is the archer, wants to set a creative goal, achieve it, and then set another. But my Venus in Pisces wants to bask in divine love, and be dead/non-physical already, in union with the soul. What is the point of creating anything if I am already Divine Love? This feels irreconcilable, and it took me a long time to work through this inner conflict.
- Can I bask in divine love as I set goals and reach them?
- Can I set goals and reach them while basking in divine love?
I take long periods for rest and contemplation, and long stretches of time for goal-oriented striving towards a creative goal. And when goal-oriented, still every morning, I devote to God.
I believe that when you are conscious of the square/the conflict, you have the option to. invite growth when you are ready or have space to 'work on it.' Of course, the planetary transits might push on your square and make delaying the issue very frustrating.

Personal Planets vs. Generational Planets
If the square occurs between a personal planet and generational planet, we evolve the personal planet to ‘meet the times’ or master the planet in such that we invite the collective to see things from a different point of view and in doing so make our offering. This will be uncomfortable, especially if the personality is prone to seeking belonging and approval of peers. This asks for a long-term perspective and devotion to the higher good of the collective.
The question becomes: how much growth am I willing to invite in?
Ultimately, the chart guides us toward transcendence—where we move beyond our natal placements? To be no longer ‘Moon in Cancer’ when you die, but be Moon in all 12 signs.
Squares in Synastry: Growth Through Relationships
For instance, Person A's Cancer Moon squares Person B's Aries Moon. How can my need for independence meet your need for nurture? These are not easy questions, but they are essential for growth. How well you'll able to handle the conflict depends partly on how well you’ve tended to your own squares, your inner conflicts. If you already have a square to your Cancer Moon for example, the friction won't be new to you, and you might have some ideas already how to go about it.
The Square in relationships : Embracing the Heat
In relationships, if someone’s planet squares yours, they bring you a fire—a challenge.
If the square in the relationship is new (not present in your natal chart), the question shifts to: how much growth am I willing to invite in through others?
Eventually, our ability to hold ourselves during conflict determines the depth and longevity of our relationships. When both parties are conscious, the square can be tapas— heat we choose to endure voluntarily to achieve spiritual power or purification. To work together, both parties must be willing to get burnt a little (or a lot!!) and walk through this fire, leading to consciousness, release and freedom.
Thoughts? Pretty please share in the comments and we will talk!
Need help with your squares? I will guide you through a personal reading. Contact me via this website or directly at heidi.souffriau@gmail.com